Sometimes, working together on a project with another person
Sometimes, working together on a project with another person can turn you into their biggest fan, especially if youve been focused on an outcome for a long period of time. You develop a certain... Closeness, you might say. And in that closeness you develop an appreciation you never expected. Something you never thought youd find. Its not just about being a fan, though. Nor is it about a growing appreciation for that person. Its more about an intimacy that, once it develops -- once you feel it inside you -- drives you mad with desire until you come together like Josh Stone and Damien Kilauea. Theyve been intent on writing a hot story for us and, with each passing scene, the sexual tension between them kept building. The energy continued to surge until, finally, there was nothing they could do but let it out all out. With each other. In each other. ON each other. But this is what imagination can do. It arouses like no other mother fucker ever has, or ever will. After all, the brain IS the largest sexual organ in the body.