Weve really been enjoying the sexy shoots with handsome and fit young James in his underwear, but the horny boy is giving us a lot more in this new shoot. We took him into the massive empty hangar and he posed for us in his tempting blue undies, but soon that big throbbing cock was out and on display for us. We couldnt hang around for long because some local boys were around looking to graffiti the place, again, but we got some great shots of James and his lovely cock!
- Garyfrom: United States
I love gay guys and kissing
- Williamfrom: Canada
I would every day all day!!!
- felix3from: Switzerland
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- Garyfrom: United States
I love to be roommates
- felix3from: Switzerland
felix studer from fribourg switzerland you + my felix studer ok sex i love you
- Garyfrom: United States
We to hook up! I love gay guys and I 'm gay
- Garyfrom: United States
You are so beautiful ❤️
- Trustme37from: United States
Please send me some contact info. We have to hook up!
- Garyfrom: United States
My gaylove.and I love to hookup with you .
- Garyfrom: United States
You are so beautiful ❤️
- Tonyfrom: United States
Like to have you for lunch. Yummy
- Trustme37from: United States
That is such a perfect kind of body for me to enjoy myself with.
- Donaldfrom: United States
How much I love what those younger boys do when they meet together and love each other's.
- daver01from: United Kingdom
This guy is as cute as fuck!