From fans responses to his photo set, we suspect that you wi
From fans responses to his photo set, we suspect that you will like Enrique Vera a lot. Some of his scenes may seem a little uneven, as there are a few from the phase where he was not quite in the same shape that he is today.
- Williamfrom: Canada
You could be perfect if you were circumcised. Everything else is beautiful.
- Ericfrom: Italy
I adore Enrique, I would have sex with him all the time
- Long Jonfrom: Germany
Ich bin noch immer in diesen Bengel verliebt.
- Long Jonfrom: Germany
Die sinnlichste Verpackung eines Engels. Hier muss sich jede Berührung wie ein elektrischer Schlag an den Fingern anfühlen.
- Fleischerfrom: Germany
Enrique ist echt lecker. Der sollte sofort geschlachtet werden, damit ich sein leckeres Fleisch genießen kann.