Moving swiftly on, Nicole heads on over to their next subjec
Moving swiftly on, Nicole heads on over to their next subject. She knows the Mayoress is a very busy woman and doesnt like to be kept waiting. But shes sure the powerful woman will appreciate their next set of techniques. And shes personally very keen to get her hands on the school jock Bert who will be their guinea pig. Its all the more fun for her and Jessica when they get to subjugate someone as confident and cocky as the hunky sportsman.
- Kannibalefrom: Germany
Der Blondschopf ist der perfekte Fleischlieferant und kann sofort geschlachtet wwerden.
- Kannibalefrom: Germany
Der Blondschof mit seinem knackigen Hintern kann sofort geschlachtet und zu leckerem Fleisch verarbeitet werden.