I agree with the other person's comments. I will also go further to say that when Arad is on camera alone, he looks fantastic, but when he shares a scene or a pic with someone , he automatically becomes the backdrop or the background. He doesn't really stand out at all. It would be great to see him explode on camera and become more memorable. It's a real shame to see such remarkable, developed attributes go to waste. He can go far, but ONLY if he wants to. He is to cool in his performances, and it should be quite the opposite . In this industry, it should be all about being hot and explosive, not cool so much.
As sexy as he is, I am not very sure if Arad is exercising his full potential. It seems like he found a safe comfort zone and strictly keeps it at that. Unfortunately, that has turned him into a one trick pony. With his Incredible sexy physique, I think he should take some chances, push the envelope a bit, and get out and away from his comfort, zone. He could go much further in the business by utilizing his many amazing attributes. Unfortunately, being very predictable and pretty much doing the same thing has really taken away from the great excitement he could very well generate. Instead, he is more like a background prop. I would be so excited to see him emerge and spice things up a bit!! He definitely has the potential. It would really be exciting to see him do more active role playing, fetishes, bondage, and even being a bottom , that would be an incredible shocker which I am sure would really excite his fans!!